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Family photos, a bit of family history and stories.

On this page you will find photos of William's and Daisy's children,(click on pictures to enlarge them),some of which William never got to see,this page will be continually updated,as i find more photos and infomation it will be added to this page.Due to the hundred year law which accompanies the census information being released, im going to have a few years to wait before i can get more information on William Fielding from Jersey archives. At tge bottom of this page you will find a link to my family tree page.

A short story about William.

Sadly none of William's children ever grew up to know their father and from what i have been told, Daisy was unwilling to talk about him, so the storys below may not be 100% accurate.
My greatAunt Joyce told me a short story, about William, wether its true or not i will never know,but some of the men who survived the sinking of S.S South Western, told my GreatGran (William's wife,Daisy)that when the ship was hit and it started to sink,they saw him injured on deck,with his arms outstreched to the heavens,calling his wifes name three times "DAISY,DAISY,DAISY",before he went down with his ship.
I have also been told that it was not his time to die, he was put to sail on the boat at the last minute replacing a shipmate that had either fallen ill or had not turned up for his shift.
His dad Philip was a shipwright (carpenter),which is a trade that runs through his family back to his Great great grand dad,this is where William must have got his intrest in working on boats (and living on an island 9 x 5 miles surrounded by the sea what better interest could you have)then moving onto the Merchant Navy.

God Bless
Rest in Peace,
For your country is free.

Daisy and William Fielding.

This is not a real colour photo of them together, with a little bit of magic and alot of help from my friend, who is an expert on Paint shop pro, we managed to paste them together and add a background,i think this is a lovely picture and sadly the only one i have of them together.
William's mother Lydia who is in Jersey's 1881 census,was living at No2.Commercial buildings opposite jersey harbour,she was 22yrs old at time of census and was married to Philip Fielding,who was a shipwright by trade,this trade runs through William's family,back to his grandad. Lydia would probably have seen S.S Southwestern, as the ship was in port at the same time as the census was taken, she would never have know what fate the vessel held for her son.Im still on the look out for photos of Philip and Lydia Fielding.

Daisy Fielding.(Nee, Bassett).

By the looks of this photo, Daisy must have been in her early twentys. This colorized photo was sent as a small tribute, from Major Chance, on the 27/03/2003,thanks for the great picture!

Daisy Fieldings Identity card. (Click on picture to see identity card).

This is Daisy's identity card, these where given out during the islands occupation, under the Nazi's rule during ww2.

Daisy Fielding and Joyce Bassett

This photo is of Daisy and one of her Daughters,Joyce.
Joyce was not one of William's daughters,she was born after William's death along with Authur her brother.
This photo was taken before the german occupation of the channel islands, Daisy and Joyce where on their way too or from Guernsey.
Joyce was around 12 years old when this photo was taken. She was 15 when the Germans took the Channel Islands.

Olive Hunt(nee Fielding). (Click on picture to see identity card).

Olive was William's and Daisy's second born daughter. And my Gran, she was married to Albert Hunt, they had two daughters, Carole Anne Grant (nee Hunt, my mother)and Margeret Hunt (my aunt).

Aurthur Bassett. (Click on picture to see identity card).

This is my Uncle Aurthur, he was Daisy's first born to another man.I have a story about Authur during the occupation period,which Joyce told me. Authur used to work for the Germans in the tunnels, he had no choice, because if you where fit and healthy then they had you working with the foriegn slave labour. There was a time when Authur was working in one of these tunnels when there was a cave in. He was lucky to survive, he went home to rest and get over the shock.
This is when he decided not to go back to work in the tunnels. But as he was soon to find out you had no choice but to go back, the next day two german officers came down tp his home and took him back.
For more information on the history of the channel islands during WW2, you will find some links on the links page.

Joyce Bassett. (Click on picture to see identity card).

This is my Grans step sister she was born after Williams death, Daisy had a relationship after his death and had more children.

My Gran as a toddler.

All my female relatives on Williams side of the family upto my sister all looked very similar as young children as you will see in photos below.

The three sisters.(All deceased).

From right to left, Olive, Muriel and Dorothy.Muriel was the eldest,Olive the second oldest and Dorethy the third. Dorethy was born 2 weeks after her father,William was killed,so none of them where not really old enough to get to know their dad,which is a shame as they had no stories they could pass on down the generations,about their brave dad who served in the Merchant Navy in the First World War.

My Mother.

This is my Grans first born, my mum, Carole Anne Hunt, my Gran also had a second child my Aunt Margret, my Gran told me a couple of story's when i was younger about my mother, during the occupation of the island(Jersey, channel islands, U.K),my Gran went into a shop and left my Mother outside in her pram,but when Olive came out of the shop the pram was gone........she looked down the street and saw a German walking away with her only Daughter (Margret wasn't born yet),she ran after the German and started hitting him with the shopping she had just bought, he then tried to explain that he had a duaghter back in Germany and that my Mother reminded him of her and he didn't intend to frighten my Gran.

The second story happend when my mum was a bit older. As there was a shortage of food and chocolate (a childs favourite treat)the Germans used to teach the children how to do the Nazi Salute and in return for doing it right they would be given chocolate. Well this happend to my mum, she didnt know any better, being a child she thought it was a game.....so she went home with her new trick the Germans had taught her and promptly walked up to her mum and dad and did the salute, well im sure you can imagine what happend next!

Daisy Fielding Last photo taken.

This is the last photo take of Daisy, she died ten weeks later, this photo was taken outside of her house,(Beach Cresent).

Slide show.

The above link will take you to a slide show of some of these photos colourized.
Below you will find a link to Ancestry Family Tree.Ancestry Family Tree.

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