Welcome to Harry Strange's memorial, who served in the Merchant Navy as a steward during World War One.He served on board S.S South Western which did deliverys from Portsmouth too Jersey (Channel islands U.K) and St.Malo,the vessel was owned by South Western Railway. Harry is the man on the right, at the back, in uniform, with his hand on the chair, in the central group. He had five children and I am descended from Nora, his younger daughter.Well, my great grandmother was devastated by her husband's death and wouldn't let her children learn to swim or go anywhere near water afterwards! (How silly!). I'm not a hundered percent sure that this photo was taken on board S.S South Western, I can only assume that he served on the one ship. I wondered why the photo was taken in Brighton. Perhaps they refuelled there or picked up some cargo??
A stewards Job.
Harry was a baker and confectioner by trade, which is why he went as a steward I suppose, family rumour has it that Harry became a Chief Steward. In general terms he was a waiter, althiough depending on the size of a ship, he may have other duties. A Captain's steward would serve his meals, and most likely be responsible for looking after the Captain's cabin. Engineer's / Officer'sstewards would wait in the respective messes. On a passenger ship, you would have saloon stewards / Stewardesses, (ie waiters / waitreses), cabin stewards/ess, bathroom, children's, linen, wine, etc.The Chief Steward was responsible for victuals and supplies for the voyage; the 2nd. Steward would do the day-to-day administration. |
My research.
Last year I wrote to Southampton Record Office and sent this photo of the ship, which they kept. They were very helpful and told me the following information - The Commonwealth War Graves said that the South Western was part of the South Western Railway Company which was owned by the Southampton Docks at one time, according to the Historical Manuscripts Commission. The records for this are at the PRO at Kew. The PRO death register for Passengers and Seamen at Sea is reference BT334. The London and South Western Railway Co. records are at PRO London for 1830-1927 reference RAIL 411-12 The records for 1899-1925 are at Devon Record Office reference 3289B NRA 4613 Devon R O.These include all sorts of plans, registers, circulars stock records staff records, journals, cash books, ledgers, ships plans, work books pay books etc etc.
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