Medals Page.

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Welcome to my Medals page.
All the medals on this page are my own, apart for the Pout de merit. You are more than welcome to copy these pictures but please if you use them on another site please say where you got them from.

  British War Medal.
William recieved this Medal.
CAMPAIGN; 1914-20

RIBBON; Orange watered centre with stripes of white and black and borders of royal blue.

METAL; Silver or Bronze.

COMMENTS; This medal was insitituted to record the successful conclusion of WW1.

  Silver war badge. METAL; Silver

COMMENTS; Awarded to service personnal who sustained a wound in the course of the war.

  Victory Medal. METAL; Bronze.

COMMENTS; Issued to all who already got the 1914 or 1914-15 stars and most of those who had the British war medal.

Mercantile Marine War Medal.
William recieved this Medal.
CAMPAIGN; 1914-20

RIBBON; Green and Red with a central white stripe, symbolising port and starboard.

METAL; Bronze.

COMMENTS; Awarded by the board of trade to members of the Merchant Navy who had undertaken one or more voyages through a war or danger zone.

Memorial Plaque.


METAL; Bronze.

COMMENTS; Awarded to the next of kin of those who lost their lives during WW1.

  1914-15 Star.
CAMPAIGN; WW1 1914-15

RIBBON; Silk Red White and Blue.

METAL; Bronze.

COMMENTS; Awarded to those who saw combat in any theatre of war between 5 August and 31 December 1915.

Poure le merit.


METAL; Not Known.

COMMENTS; One of Germanys highest awards during WW1, this is the medal erwin wassner was awarded, he was in charge of UB-59,when it attacked William's ship. From what i know only twelve where given out to seamen..

William's Medal Certificate.
This is William's medal certificate,as you can see from the picture on the left William never got to wear them with the pride he should have felt at serving his country, as they where given to him after his death. It says on the certificate that Daisy Fielding recieved them, there where no ribbons with the medals because they where awarded after his death.
I still have had no luck in tracing the where abouts of his medals.