Apply for my award.
To apply for my award your site must be a tribute or a memorial to a relative Killed in action /Lost at sea or has died recently and served in one of the Forces, Navy, Merchant, Marines. I will also accept other family memorials.Memorials to the vessels/ships and pages that help keep the history of a ship alive can also apply for this award.

William Fielding Memorial Award.
To apply your site must not encourage hatred towards others, no racism or pornography and be safe for the viewing of children.
If your site takes to long to load, i will not accept it, i don't want to be waiting hours for a page to load.
I will also frown upon to many pop ups,3 at the most.
Once you have been accepted for an award,i will e-mail you the award and a link to go with the award.
Im no expert at building webpages so i won't be looking for anything fancy, so, as long as your page is clean and loads fairly quickly, and i dont have pop ups bouncing all over the place, it will be easy for you to get my award.
To apply click on, award application, below.
I will need your name, Your site name, a brief description of your site and your sites URL. In the email heading please put Memorial award application.Also your choice of your name or website name at the top of award. GOOD LUCK.
Application e-mail.
Award winners.
Amphibious Forces.
Bismarck Lives.
Les Parachutistes de Saint Vaast En Auge.
P'o Boys Civil War.
Dutch Submarine Hr.Ms.Potvis.S804.
Ron's submarine covers.