WW2 CIS Links.
William Fielding.

Family Photo Album.

S.S South Western's details.

S.S South Western's crew list.

Ub-59's details.

Ub-59's war diary.

Jersey  roll of honour.

Merchant vessel losses 1914-18.

Lswr History.

Medals Page.

Wreath laying.

Memorial Databases.

Merchant Seamen lost at sea




My Award.

Webrings & sponsors.

Guest Book .




Jersey (UK) Military Vehicle Club.
The Jersey Military Vehicle Club was formed on July 7th 1994, and was the brainchild of Dave Mustow and Ian Cabot. It's main aim is to attract as wide a cross-section of military vehicle fans as possible, even if they don't own a vehicle themselves. But the real emphasis of the club, is to get Second World War military vehicles out and on the road as often as possible, so the public can see them, and to attend events where their presence might help to raise money for charity.

Jersey Underground Hospital
Jersey Underground Hospital was built between 1941 and 1944 by using forced labour from countries throughout conquered Europe.

German Occupation Society (Guernsey Branch)
The society was formed to study all aspects of the german occupation of the British Channel Islands..

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