Jersey MN roll of honour.
Island of Jersey, Roll of Honour and Service.....This roll commemorates the Jersey men who served as civilians in the Merchant Navy operating vessels for the war effort. This roll was published by the States of Jersey in 1919.
Abbreviations for Rank or Rating
2E - Second Engineer |
C - Captain |
M - Mate |
2M - Second Mate |
Cf M - Chief Mate |
OS - Ordinary Seaman |
3M - Third Mate |
Ck - Cook |
P - Purser |
A - Apprentice |
Cr - Carpenter |
S - Seaman |
AB - Able Seaman |
E - Engineer |
Sl Mr - Sail Maker |
Boatn - Boatswain |
F - Fireman | |
Name |
Rank |
Ship |
Casualty |
A.B |
s.s.Vauban |
---- |
ALLIX, Francis George |
---- |
---- |
---- |
AHIER, Francis. |
2nd Officer. |
---- |
---- |
AMOURETTE, Aristide. |
---- |
---- |
---- |
AMY, Garnet. |
Mate. |
Ketch” Louise Ernest”. |
---- |
AMY, John Peter. |
---- |
---- |
---- |
AUBIN, John Richard |
Captain |
s.s. Grenadier |
Killed, February 21st, 1917 |
AYLING, Alfred W |
---- |
---- |
---- |
BALLEINE, Archibald |
Captain |
H.M.T.Glamorgan |
1917. Commended for Meritorious Service Torpedoed, saved April 24,1917. |
BALLEINE, Adolphus D |
1st Officer |
H.M.T. Penhale |
Torpedoed, saved: May 24,1917 |
A.B. |
s.s. Normandy |
Killed, January 25, 1918 |
BAXTER, William |
---- |
---- |
---- |
BEAUCHAMP, Walter Charles |
A.B. |
s.s. Victoria |
---- |
BENEST, Edmund Van |
---- |
---- |
---- |
BENNETT, Benjamin |
---- |
---- |
---- |
BEUZEVAL, Charles |
Cook |
s.s. Pembroke |
--- |
BIARD, Ernest John |
---- |
---- |
---- |
BISSON, Albert George |
---- |
---- |
---- |
BISSON, Clarence Stanley |
---- |
---- |
---- |
BLAKE, William Henry |
Mate |
s.s.Bertha |
---- |
BLIAULT, Charles |
Captain |
. s.s. Atherstone |
---- |
BOND, Wilfred Anderson |
---- |
---- |
---- |
BRAILEY, Herbert Frank |
---- |
---- |
---- |
BRISSET, Alfred F |
---- |
---- |
---- |
BRISSET, Charles |
---- |
---- |
---- |
BRISSET, William |
---- |
---- |
---- |
BRISSET, Philip James |
---- |
---- |
---- |
BUESNEL, George Cecil |
Engineer |
s.s.Mongolia |
Torpedoed; saved; June 23, 917 |
BUHOT, Peter |
A.B. |
Ketch Alabama |
Wrecked; saved; March l2,1917 |
CARRE, Thomas Philip |
Chief Steward |
s.s. Zent |
Torpedoed, saved: Apr 5, 1916, & Jun 22 1917 |
CARREAU, Frank John |
---- |
---- |
---- |
CARTER, Clarence |
---- |
---- |
---- |
CAVEY, Sydney John |
---- |
---- |
---- |
CHAPMAN, Samuel |
Fireman |
s.s.Ibex |
---- |
COLLINS, Vernon Basset |
---- |
---- |
---- |
COOK, John |
---- |
---- |
---- |
C00MBs, Reginald George |
---- |
---- |
---- |
COPP, Charles Edward |
---- |
---- |
---- |
COURTMAN, Sidney |
---- |
---- |
---- |
CRAWFORD, Edward Ward |
Chief Engineer |
H.M.T.Peshawur |
Torpedoed, saved: Oct.9 1917 |
CUMMINGS, John William |
---- |
---- |
---- |
DE STE. CROIX, Harold Philip |
Purser |
s.s. Egypt |
Torpedoed, saved: 19.2.1915: Killed, 24.4.1919 |
D’AUBERT, Adolphus John |
---- |
---- |
---- |
DEANS, Sidney Carswell.
---- |
---- |
---- |
DE CAEN, Edward Charles |
---- |
---- |
---- |
DR CARTERET, Alfred Thos |
A.B. |
s.s.Ibex |
---- |
DR GRUCHY, Charles W |
---- |
---- |
---- |
DR GRUCHY, Philip George |
1st Officer |
s.s. Clan Macgillivray |
---- |
DELACOUR, Claude. |
1st Officer. |
H.M.T.Lydia |
---- |
DELACOUR, Harold. |
1st Officer |
H.M.T.Rathlin Head |
Torpedoed, saved: June.1918 |
DE LA MARE, Arthur |
---- |
---- |
---- |
A.B. |
Schooner Adelaide |
---- |
DE LA MARE, William |
Mate |
Ketch Alabama |
Wrecked, saved 12.3.1917 |
DU JARDIN, Alfred George |
A.B. |
---- |
---- |
DU PRE, Clarence Thomas |
---- |
---- |
---- |
DEVEAU, George Francis |
---- |
---- |
---- |
ENDICOTT, Joseph George |
---- |
---- |
---- |
FAGAN, Emile |
---- |
---- |
---- |
FAUDEL, Albert |
---- |
---- |
---- |
FAUVEL, George Clement |
---- |
---- |
---- |
FIELDING, William C. |
A.B. |
s.s. South-Western |
Torpedoed,Killed, 16.3.1918 |
FLEURY, John Albert |
Fireman |
s.s. Ibex |
---- |
FUDGE, William |
---- |
---- |
---- |
captain |
s.s Yarra |
---- |
GALLICHAN, Wilfred Sidney |
---- |
---- |
---- |
GALLIE, Edward Herbert |
---- |
s.s.Bertha |
---- |
---- |
---- |
---- |
GALLIE, William A |
---- |
---- |
---- |
GAUTIER, Maurice Louis |
Engineer |
H.M.T. Ganges |
---- |
GAUTIER, William |
Captain |
s.s.Achlibster |
---- |
GAVEY, Charles Redvers |
---- |
---- |
---- |
GIBBINS, Walter Henry |
---- |
---- |
---- |
GIONTA, Alfred Philip |
---- |
---- |
---- |
A.B. |
s.s. Memtasa |
---- |
GOODE, William Bramwell |
A.B. |
s.s. Azul |
Killed, 6.2.1917 |
GOUBERT, Sidney John. |
---- |
---- |
---- |
GRANT, Harry |
A.B. |
s.s.Ibex |
---- |
GRANT, Sidney Joseph |
---- |
---- |
---- |
GRENELLE, Alfred John |
---- |
---- |
---- |
GRIMSHAW, William Edward |
---- |
s.s.Victoria |
---- |
GRUBER, George Antoine |
A.B. |
s.s. Ashanti |
---- |
HAMON, Amice Philip |
A.B. |
s.s. Ibex |
---- |
HAMON, Edouard |
3rd Engineer |
s.s.Zero |
---- |
HAMON, James |
s.s.Vera |
---- |
---- |
HAMON, John de Gruchy |
Quartermaster |
s.s. Ibex |
----- |
HARMS, Fred Duilio |
Captain |
s.s. Victoria |
---- |
HARRIS, Andrew |
---- |
---- |
---- |
HARRIS, George B |
Captain |
. s.s.Netherpark |
Japanese Silver Medal. Emile Robin Medal |
HARRIS, Sydney Charles |
---- |
---- |
---- |
HAYWOOD, Thomas Harold |
---- |
---- |
---- |
HELIER, Waugh Wallace |
Steward |
s.s. Normandy |
Killed, 25.1.1918 |
HILL, John Philip |
Steward |
s.s. Ibex |
---- |
HOBBS, Reginald |
Cook |
s.s. Normandy |
Torpedoed, saved: Jan. 25.1.1918 |
HOLMES, Alfred Henry |
Seaman Gunner |
s.s. Antiope |
Torpedoed, saved: 3.6.1918 |
HOLMES, George |
---- |
---- |
---- |
HOTTON, Henry Summers |
2nd Officer |
s.s. Ardgartan |
Killed, 14.4.1919 |
HURT, John |
A.B. |
Sch. Lady St.John |
---- |
INGRAM, John Henry |
---- |
---- |
---- |
JEANDRON, George Albert |
---- |
---- |
---- |
1st Officer |
H.M.T.Kauchow |
---- |
JEUNE, George John |
---- |
Ketch Martin |
Killed, December 1918 |
JEUNE, John |
A.B. |
Ketch Louise Ernest |
---- |
JOHNSON, Arthur Brook |
---- |
---- |
---- |
JONES, Walter Mauger |
Captain |
s.s.Melrose Abbey |
---- |
KELLEY, Edward Thomas |
---- |
---- |
---- |
KENT, Frederick E |
Steward |
s.s.Ibex |
---- |
KENT, George Robert |
---- |
---- |
---- |
KENT, James William |
Fireman |
s.s.Ibex |
---- |
KING, Charles George |
---- |
---- |
---- |
KING, Thomas James |
---- |
---- |
---- |
KLEIN, Louis Peter |
---- |
---- |
---- |
KNUTT, James |
---- |
---- |
---- |
LABEY, Philip Amy |
2nd Officer |
s.s.Bayhowel |
---- |
LABEY, Thomas Filleul |
3rd Officer |
s.s.Bloemfontein |
---- |
LANE, Harry |
Steward |
H.M.T. War Rajput |
Torpedoed, saved: 1.10.1918 |
LANGDON, Charles Hamon |
Captain |
s.s Ibex |
---- |
A.B. |
H.M.T. Archimedes |
---- |
A.B. |
H.M.T. Warilda |
Torpedoed, saved: 3.3.1918 |
---- |
---- |
---- |
A.B. |
s.s. Normannia |
---- |
A.B. |
H.M.Hosp. S. Formosa |
---- |
LAURENS, Alfred Thos |
---- |
---- |
---- |
---- |
---- |
---- |
LE BAS, Reginald Ernest |
2nd Engineer |
s.s. Hantonia |
---- |
LE BER, Reginald James |
---- |
---- |
---- |
LE BRETON, Cecil Bernard |
---- |
---- |
---- |
LE BARTON, Harold Francis |
---- |
---- |
---- |
LE BRETON, Kenneth Charles |
2nd Officer |
s.s. Palmcotta |
---- |
LE BRETON, William Thos |
---- |
---- |
---- |
LE BROCQ, Clarence |
1st Officer |
H.M.T. Briton |
---- |
LE BROCQ, John George |
Captain |
s.s. Upada |
LE CLERCQ, George Philip |
---- |
---- |
---- |
LE CLERCQ, Sydney |
---- |
---- |
---- |
Mate |
Sch. Lady St. John |
---- |
LE CRAS, John James |
---- |
---- |
---- |
LEDWICK, James Cowan |
---- |
---- |
---- |
LEDWICK, James Wm |
---- |
---- |
---- |
LE FEUVRE, Francis |
2nd Officer |
---- |
---- |
LE FEUVRE, Joseph |
---- |
---- |
---- |
LE MAISTRE, Percy Wm |
---- |
---- |
---- |
LE MAISTRE, Snowdon C |
---- |
---- |
---- |
LE MASURIER, Charles F |
Fireman |
s.s. Ibex |
---- |
2nd Officer |
Killed, December 1st 1914 |
---- |
LE MOIGNAN, Alfred Philip |
---- |
---- |
---- |
LE MONNIER, William |
A.B. |
s.s. Don Benito |
---- |
LE QUESNE, Alfred |
---- |
---- |
---- |
LE QUESNE, Arthur Wm |
Steward |
H.M.T. Lydia |
---- |
LE RICER, Charles James |
---- |
---- |
---- |
LE SEELLEUR, Frank Henry |
Steward |
s.s.Ibex |
---- |
LE SUEUR, Reginald |
A.B. |
H.M.M.-S. Tralee |
LONG, Philip John |
Fireman |
s.s. Ibex |
---- |
LUCAS, Henry |
---- |
---- |
---- |
LUCE, John William |
---- |
---- |
---- |
MARY, William John |
---- |
---- |
---- |
MAKIN, George Thomas |
---- |
---- |
---- |
MALORET, John Eugene |
---- |
---- |
---- |
MARCUS, John Philip |
Steward |
s.s. Lucilene |
Killed, March 13th 1917. |
MARETT, Francis. |
---- |
---- |
---- |
MARETT, Lionel Ernest |
3rd Officer |
s.s. Bristol City |
Killed, December 16th 1917 |
MARETT, Walter |
---- |
---- |
---- |
MARIE, Percy |
---- |
---- |
---- |
MARS0UIN, Pierre Marie |
---- |
---- |
---- |
MARTEL, Eliac Fredk |
---- |
---- |
---- |
MATTHEWS, Harold |
---- |
---- |
---- |
Captain |
Sch. Lady St. John |
---- |
MONAMY, Philip Charles |
---- |
---- |
---- |
MOONEY, John |
---- |
---- |
---- |
MORRISSEY, Michael John |
---- |
---- |
---- |
MOYSAN, Joseph |
---- |
---- |
---- |
NEWMAN, Edward Charles |
A.B. |
s.s. Ibex |
---- |
NICOLLE, Howard Vaughan |
---- |
---- |
---- |
NICOLLE, John Alfred |
A.B. |
Ketch Louise Ernest |
---- |
NOEL, David |
Captain |
s.s.Philotis |
Torpedoed, saved |
NOEL, George du Fresne |
---- |
H.M.H.S. Aquitania |
---- |
NOEL, Raymond Laidley |
A.B. |
s.s Ibex |
---- |
NORMAN, William Charles |
---- |
s.s. Pembroke |
---- |
PALMER, Edward Alexandre |
---- |
---- |
---- |
PATTEN, Louis Ronald |
---- |
---- |
---- |
PERCHARD, Arthur George |
---- |
---- |
---- |
2nd Officer |
s.s.Silvertown |
---- |
PERCHARD, Rodney George |
1st Officer |
s.s. Denbighshire |
---- |
PERCHARD, Walter |
---- |
---- |
---- |
PETIT, John Adolphus |
---- |
---- |
---- |
PICHON, Eugene Alfred |
---- |
---- |
---- |
PIQUET, John Amy |
---- |
---- |
---- |
PIQUET, John Philip |
---- |
---- |
---- |
PITMAN, Isaac William |
---- |
---- |
---- |
PITMAN, Reginald Richard |
2nd Officer |
s.s Ibex |
---- |
QUEREE, Wilfred John |
Captain |
s.s. Scapha |
---- |
QUEREE, Adolphus John |
Captain |
Ketch Louise Ernest |
---- |
QUEREE, Philip |
Fireman |
s.s. Ibex |
---- |
QUIR0T, Thomas |
---- |
---- |
---- |
2nd Engineer |
s.s. Psyche |
---- |
RAFFRAY, Herbert L |
Chief Engineer |
s.s. Echunga |
Killed, September 5th 1918 |
RAYMOND, James George |
---- |
RENARD, Thomas |
---- |
---- |
---- |
REEVES, Edgar Harold |
---- |
---- |
---- |
RENAULT, John Peter |
---- |
---- |
---- |
RENOUF, William White |
4th Officer |
s.s.Port Elliot |
---- |
RICHARDS, Charles |
---- |
---- |
---- |
RICHARDSON, Leyghton T |
Captain |
H.M.H.S. St.David |
---- |
RICHMOND, Edward John |
---- |
---- |
---- |
RICHMOND, Henry James |
---- |
---- |
---- |
RITS0N, Edwin. |
Captain |
s.s. Queen Mary |
---- |
ROMERIL, Percy Adolphus |
---- |
---- |
---- |
RUMSEY, Reginald |
---- |
---- |
---- |
RYAN, William Charles |
---- |
---- |
---- |
SADLER, Arthur Rubin |
A.B. |
s.s. Veto |
Died at Sea |
SHALES, Archibald |
---- |
---- |
---- |
Wireless Officer |
s.s. Clan Macrae |
---- |
SHORT, George Ackland |
---- |
---- |
---- |
STARCK, Philip |
---- |
---- |
---- |
Captain |
s.s. Athenic |
STRUDWICK, Winter George |
---- |
---- |
---- |
SYVRET, Edward John |
2nd Officer |
s.s. Port Augusta |
---- |
SYVRET, Thomas William |
---- |
---- |
---- |
THERMEL, John Francis |
1st Officer |
s.s. Red Cap |
Torpedoed, saved: 24t.1. 1918 |
TOCQUE, George |
---- |
---- |
---- |
TOUZEL, George |
Captain |
s.s. Tirydail |
---- |
TOUZEL, George James |
A.B. |
s.s. Huntsend |
Died, April 24th, 1919 |
TOUZEL, Philip Alfred |
---- |
---- |
---- |
TRISCOTT, Constantine Joseph |
3rd Officer |
s.s. Kashgar |
---- |
TURNER, Clive |
2nd Officer |
s.s. Pembroke |
TURNER, John Bolton |
---- |
---- |
---- |
TURNER, Victor |
A.B. |
Sch. Lady St.-John |
---- |
VINCENT, Alfred |
Captain |
s.s. Greenland |
Torpedoed, saved: Feb. 1917 |
WAKELEY, Albert Charles |
Fireman |
s.s Ibex |
---- |
WARREN, Alfred James |
Fireman |
s.s Ibex |
---- |
WATERS, George |
---- |
---- |
---- |
WEBB, James |
---- |
---- |
---- |
WHITE, George Walter |
A.B. |
s.s.Tees |
---- |
WHITE, Henry Edward |
---- |
---- |
---- |
WHITE, Henry Edmund |
A.B. |
s.s.Hunsgate |
---- |
WILSON, Henry Charles |
---- |
s.s. Vera |
---- |
WILSON, Samuel George |
---- |
---- |
---- |
Jersey Military Roll of Honour.this link will take you to the WW1 Military roll of honour.
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